Martin Luther King Jr marches with people demonstrating for voting rights and oth…HD Stock Footage
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Martin Luther King Jr marches with people demonstrating for voting rights and other civil rights in Selma, Alabama.
US President Lyndon Baines Johnson seeks end to civil strife in the United States. The dome of the US Capitol Building. The President addresses Joint Session of Congress to push a voting rights bill to end discrimination in voting. Dignitaries and members of the Congress seated. The civil rights protestors march on streets in Selma, Alabama. They carry banners. A banner reads ‘The March With Selma’. The people march on streets and carry banners in a Harlem, New York demonstration. The people march on the street. The demonstrators gather in large number to pay tribute to Unitarian minister James J. Reeb. A church in Selma which was a headquarter for the African American drive for the right to vote. A sign reads ‘Brown Chapel’. The people gathered during the campaign. Leader of African-American civil rights movement, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., with other officials come for support. The Civil Rights march from Selma to Montgomery. Martin Luther King Jr marches with the people for Civil Rights. Men take pictures. Martin Luther King with white ministers, African Americans , and civil right workers marching on the street. The police stand on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. The marchers stand. Martin Luther King Jr. speaks to a policemen. The marchers stand. The marchers kneel down on street and pray. Men take pictures. Martin Luther King Jr with other official speaks to the marchers. The marcher after prayer go back to Selma. They cross the Edmund Pettus Bridge. Location: Selma Alabama. Date: March 15, 1965.
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