Indianapolis Principal Gives 8th Grader A Haircut to Boost His Confidence
A Indianapolis 8th grade principal gave a student confident booster who refused to take his hat. Jason Smith cut the student’s hair and a school resource officer shared the photo on Facebook last week, and it’s since gone viral according to WIVB 4. On Feb. 18, a student refused to take off his hat and go to class, so he was sent to the principal’s office, according to the post made by officer Lewis Speaks Sr.
The student told his principal he’d just gotten his hair cut but didn’t like how he looked.
“Instead of putting the child out of school, this is what our principal Mr. Jason Smith did after he had a long talk with the student. And guess what happen(ed) after that…..the student thanked the principal, apologized for his behavior then went to class” Speaks wrote.
A photo shows Smith cutting the student’s hair.
“The principal could have easily called the child’s parent and put him out of school for the day, but he took time out of his busy schedule to make sure the student was successful completing his first day of school,” Speaks wrote. Smith told WRTV that he has been cutting hair for awhile and cut some of his college basketball teammates along with his son’s for the past 17 years. After the student was sent to his office, he ran home to get his professional clippers.