5 Ways To Support Black Authors
Let’s talk about some incredible Black authors and how you can help lift Black voices in fiction. I’ve created a list of links to get us all started, but please share more! You are welcome to share your own books in the comments if you are a Black author in our community. Also, if you’ve read a book by a Black author that you loved, share it with us here!
Check out the Juneteenth BookFest Videos here on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu–Ur5D1oWHD3JOM9rODxw
Any twitter accounts or Facebook groups, Instagram hashtags to follow. Let’s hear it all! I’ll be putting together a free download of links once I have a bunch of them to share with you, but for now, let’s start here:
✰✰Lists of books to read✰✰
30 Best Black Romance Novels: https://www.oprahmag.com/entertainment/tv-movies/gmp32829101/best-black-romance-novels/
YA Fiction by Black Authors: https://seattle.bibliocommons.com/list/share/1058529507/1132097257
43 Books by Black Authors: https://www.oprahmag.com/entertainment/books/g26187205/best-books-black-authors/
62 Great Books by Black Authors Compiled by TED: https://ideas.ted.com/62-great-books-by-black-authors-recommended-by-ted-speakers/
Sci Fi and Fantasy Books by Black Authors: https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/ariannarebolini/best-afrofuturism-books-black-speculative-science-fiction
Noelle Gallagher’s June TBR: https://youtu.be/audc7Ph4_IU
List of Black Booktubers to follow (caution video may contain some dirty jokes? Saw this in the comments, but haven’t had a chance to watch it yet!) https://youtu.be/TRV4jBotqnE
✰✰✰✰Some Black Authors from our Own Community You Should Check out, along with some of my personal favorites✰✰
Ines Johnson: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N7V2HMD (This is for sure my next read!!!) She also has a Cindermama series of fairytale retellings featuring single moms of color! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B078MHN2DM
Follow her awesome YouTube channel for authors here: https://www.youtube.com/user/inesjohnsonwrites/
Tina Jones Williams: A Walk Down Memory Lane – amazon.com/author/tinajoneswilliams
Jeremy Couture: Couture Confessions – https://amzn.to/33h7Jyq (YouTube channel! www.youtube.com/jeremycouture )
She Nell: His Pleasure, Her Principals – https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WHVV578
Kianna Alexander: http://authorkiannaalexander.com/
Kwana Jackson: http://kmjackson.com/
Cerece Rennie Murphy: https://www.cerecerenniemurphy.com/
Leslye Penelope: https://lpenelope.com/earthsinger-chronicles/
Seressia Glass: https://seressiaglass.com/
Farrah Rochon:https://www.farrahrochon.com/ (I’m currently reading her new release, The Boyfriend Project!)
La Quette: https://www.laquette.com/
Reese Ryan: https://www.reeseryan.com/ (She has a YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/ReeseRyanWrites)
Alexis Morgan Roark: https://alexismorganroark.com/
N.K. Jemisin: http://nkjemisin.com/ (the Broken Earth series is amazing)
Tananarive Due: http://www.tananarivedue.com/
Alyssa Cole: https://alyssacole.com/
Lola St.Vil: http://lolastvil.com/ (If you love my YA books, you will love hers, too!)
Toni Morrison: https://www.oprahmag.com/entertainment/books/a26536741/best-toni-morrison-books/
This is seriously JUST THE BEGINNING. There are so many amazingly talented Black authors. My list is all women, but please share male authors you love in the comments, too! Let’s keep this going!
✰✰Social Media Accounts to follow (Some highlight Black authors specifically. Some highlight Black Authors and Authors of Color)✰✰
Moni Boyce on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/moniboyce/
Adrienne Mishel on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/drenzpen/
Some great Hashtags to follow – #supportblackauthors #supportblackart #blackbookstores #blackstories #blackoutbestsellerlist #blackpublishingpower
WOCInRomance on Twitter: https://twitter.com/wocinromance
Beverly Jenkins on Twitter: https://twitter.com/authorMsBev
Algorithms of Opppression: https://www.amazon.com/Algorithms-Oppression-Search-Engines-Reinforce/dp/1479837245
Find The Ripped Bodice Diversity in Romance Report here: https://www.therippedbodicela.com/sites/therippedbodicela.com/files/2019%20Diversity%20Report%20MASTER.pdf
Toni Morrison’s “The Pieces I Am” Documentary – https://www.tonimorrisonfilm.com/
Heart Breathings – Episode 178
About Me: My name is Sarra Cannon, and I’ve been indie publishing since 2010. In that time, I have published 26 books and sold well over half a million copies.
I’ve made some mistakes along the way, but I’ve also learned some valuable lessons that I think will help you reach your goals. I can’t wait to help you learn to make money writing what you love.
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